When going out of the house we ask ourselves many questions related to the equipment we have left inside. The clue is to keep everything sacured, prevent any appliance failure and make sure the households are safe. Life threatening situation can happen during the time we are spending our time at home. Protecting ourselves becomes much easier with a system that keeps an eye on potential harm and takes care of our health as well.

Air quality is a taboo subject often addressed in media. Less popular is particulate air pollution during summer time, however, it is worthwhile to stock up on the right solutions that will maintain quality air in our homes. Combining the smart socket with an air purifier makes it quite convenient as it automates its performance just as we like it. Each time a high concentrations of PM2.5 or PM10 particulate matter is detected (via a device or online service such as Airly) will enable the purifier. Another, more extensive scenario uses a unique automation that closes Fakro windows via FIBARO system and turns on air purifier to provide us clean air after getting back home.

The winter period may turn into a nightmare after a leak of heating system and the aftermath connected with the silent killer, namely the carbon monoxide. After CO Sensor detects high concentration of carbon monoxide it send notification to user’s smartphone and simultaneously opens windows and cuts off the gas supply thanks to the appropriate electrovalve.

Locating smart sensors in the kitchen or bathroom where there may be potential failure such as leakage or fire will definitely pass the exam and prevent from the consequences of these events. Smoke Sensor placed in the area of the oven will prevent your cakes and other dishes from being burnt. Cooperating FIBARO devices have special security features e.g. after detecting smoke from the oven, the Single Switch or Wall Plug module will automatically cut off the power supply. No more danger from a fire event in your house! Water leak detector works fine within the dishwasher, sink or washing machine area, even the slightest leakage triggers the sensors alarm and cuts off the water supply. The users is informed about the event by a simple notification on his smartphone.

Life-threating situation make us think first of all about our loved ones, whether they are safe or not. Stay calm during your daily routine and stop worrying about your family’s health and property. Smart home devices from FIBARO ensure everything is under control in your home and prove the true power of home automation that respond to any danger right away.